Philippine Journal of Astronomy


March 2018

(Coming Soon)

December 2017

September 2017

June 2017

March 2017

(Part 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6)

December 2016

( Part 1 , 2 , 3 )

September 2016

June 2016

March 2016

December 2015

( Part 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 )

September 2015

June 2015

Mar 2015

December 2014

September 2014

June 2014

March 2014

December 2013

September 2013


June 2013

March 2013

October 2012

July 2012 TOV Edition

December 2010
June 2011

April 2012

July 2012

June 2010
December 2009
June 2009
March 2009


Call for Papers: Philippine Journal of Astronomy

     The Philippine Journal of Astronomy is now accepting papers for publication. The PJA is the first scientific journal in the country that publishes technical and general articles in astronomy.



     The Philippine Journal of Astronomy is now part of the SAO/NASA Astrophysics Data System.

     You can access the volume abstracts at this URL.


About the Journal

     The Philippine Journal of Astronomy (PJA) is published by the Astronomical League of the Philippines (ALP), the eminent astronomical organization in the country. It is the premier astronomical journal published in the Philippines, signifying the continued evolution of Philippine Astronomy.

     The journal publishes refereed manuscripts, general astronomy articles, proceedings of astronomical conference, letters, image submissions and reviews from professional and nonprofessional astronomers, as well as news and announcements from the Philippine astronomical community and other Southeast Asian Nations.


Philippine Journal of Astronomy

Editorial Staff

Editor :   John Ray Cabrera
Senior Editor :   Francisco Lao


Contributing Editors

James Kevin Ty
Dr. Jose Aguilar
Christopher Louie Lu

Scientific Advisers

Thijs Kouwenhoven, PhD
Kavli Institute for Astronomy and Astrophysics (KIAA)
Peking University
Beijing, China

Jelly Grace Nonesa, PhD
University of Southern Mindanao;
Natural Science Research Institute
Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology

Reinabelle Reyes, MA (Astrophysics)
Department of Astrophysical Sciences
Princeton University, USA

Hakim L. Malasan, PhD
Director, Bosscha Observatory
Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia


Contributions to the Journal can be classified into:

  • Refereed Papers (detailed and scientific observation reports, scholarly articles, review of literature, scientific manuscripts, summaries of theses and dissertations, history of Astronomy, biographies and obituaries)
  • Featured Articles (observation reports, general astronomy articles, and reports on astronomy-related events)
  • Gallery (film or CCD photographs, and sketches)
  • Conference Proceedings
  • Reviews (synopsis, commentaries and ratings on various astronomical products, including books, websites, software and equipments)
  • Letters (Letters to the Editor, correspondence to the editorial, commentaries on previous articles, suggestions for improvement, manifestations of readers)


Open Access

     In its commitment to develop astronomy education and research in the Southeast Asian Region, the Astronomical League of the Philippines has decided to make the journal contents open to the public. Astronomy educators, communicators, researchers and outreach organizers are encouraged to utilize this publication to promote the development of astronomy in the region and the international community.


How to Submit Manuscripts

Instructions for Submission

     The Philippine Journal of Astronomy welcomes submissions from all aspects of Astronomy. Papers submitted to PJA should not have been published or being considered for publication in other journals. Manuscripts can be prepared in Microsoft Word, Rich Text Format or Plain Text format, but preferably in MS Word using the default settings. Manuscripts should be submitted electronically to the Editor with the Subject Line:

For Publication to PJA

     The author must also submit a cover letter explicitly stating his intentions of having his work published in the journal. He should indicate the type of contribution, i.e. Refereed Articles, General Articles, Gallery, Conference Proceedings, Reviews or Letters. The letter must be addressed to the Editor and sent as an email attachment together with the submission. The Journal may also consider papers that have been submitted to but rejected by other publishing institutions. The author must, however, state why the manuscript was not accepted for publication in the accompanying cover letter.


     The Astronomical League of the Philippines, Inc. holds the copyright of all manuscripts, articles and images published in the Journal while the author retains authorship of his work. The author is likewise responsible for obtaining permission from copyright owners of materials included in their papers. Permission to reproduce content materials for non-commercial purposes may be directed to the Editor.

Page Charges

     Currently, unsolicited materials from contributors may be accepted for publication without page charges.


Submission Guidelines


Manuscript Guidelines for Refereed Papers and Proceedings

   1. Title

  • The title of the manuscript should have no more than 50 words. Keep it brief but concise.

   2. Author(s)

  • Name(s) of the author(s) should be included with corresponding affiliations. If the author is not affiliated with any astronomical or astronomy-related society, institution, or agency, he should provide his postal address instead.

   3. Abstract

  • Abstracts will only be required for technical papers - refereed papers and conference proceedings. These papers will undergo review process to ensure quality of submissions.
  • The abstract must have no more than 200 words, but not less than 50. It should give a brief synopsis of the manuscript.

   4. Headings

  • Arabic numerals should be used in both headings and subheadings of the manuscript text (i.e. 1., 1.1., 1.2., 2., 2.1., 2.2.).
  • Appendices should be labeled A, B, C, etc.

   5. Text

  • Use only one font throughout the manuscript. No fancy formatting.
  • Font Style should be Arial, Font Size 10, and single-spaced.
  • Bold or italicized words are allowed.

   6. Tables, Figures, and Equations

  • Tables and figures should be numbered sequentially using Arabic numerals as cited in the text, i.e. Table 1, Table 2, Figure 1, and Figure 2.
  • Mathematical equations should also be numbered sequentially using Arabic numerals enclosed in parenthesis, i.e. equation (1).
  • When submitting in Text format, tables and figures, including mathematical equations (in image formats), should not be embedded within the text file itself but must be sent separately and properly labeled. If MS Word is used, tables, figures and mathematical equations can be embedded within the document file.

   7. Unit of Measurement

  • The use of SI unit of measurement is encouraged. Appropriate abbreviations of SI measures must be followed, i.e. m, km, mg, N.
  • Empirical System of measurement is also acceptable.
  • Variables should be italicized.

   8. Acknowledgments

  • Individuals, organizations and institutions that the author wishes to acknowledge may be mentioned at the end of the paper.

   9. Corresponding Author

  • The contributors are required to provide contact details for a corresponding author.

  10. References

  • The use of American Psychological Association (APA) formatting and style is encouraged when citing references, i.e. books, journals or online sources.
  • All references used by the author(s) must be listed in alphabetical order at the end of the text.
  • If majority of references cited on text are from online sources, numbered citation is preferred.
  • In case the bibliography is done by numbered citations, list the references according to sequence cited on the text, with the number enclosed in brackets before the reference, i.e. [1] Reference.


Guidelines for General Articles

NOTE: General articles follow the same guidelines as with technical manuscripts (refereed papers). However, an abstract and bibliography is no longer included.


Guidelines for Submitting Reviews

  1. For book reviews, include the following:
    • Title
    • Author/s
    • Copyright year
    • Number of pages
    • ISBN
    • Price (in US Dollar or Philippine Peso)
    • Softcover or hardcover
    • Publishing company
  2. For equipment reviews, include the following:
    • Name of product, model/series number
    • Manufacturer
    • Technical specifications
    • Price (in US Dollar or Philippine Peso)
    • Product website, if available
  3. For software reviews, include the following:
    • Name of software, version
    • Software maker
    • Technical specifications
    • Price (in US Dollar or Philippine Peso)
    • Product website, if available
  4. For website reviews, include the following:
    • Name of website
    • URL address
    • Author/s
    • Date retrieved


Guidelines for Image Submissions

  1. For submission of images, file name should be in the format YYMMDD_familyname-a.jpg
    NOTE: "a" means the first image file for the said date. As the date changes, the sequence returns back to "a".
    Ex.) 090301_cruz-a.jpg; 090301_cruz-b.jpg; 090301_cruz-c.jpg; 090301_cruz-d.jpg
           090301_cruz-a.jpg; 090301_cruz-b.jpg; 090302_cruz-a.jpg; 090302_cruz-b.jpg
  2. Send your images and sketches as JPEG/JPG file with minimum resolution of 800x600 to the PJA photo editor at The journal will accept higher resolution images when available.


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