April 2-3, 2011 5th ALP Philippine Messier Marathon Open 2011 Activity Images Gallery
by James Kevin Ty & Armando Lee


Astro Kids didn't waste time to enjoy the site while ALPers stated to setup their tents and equipment.

Astro Kids enjoy playing video games in one of the several tents set up by ALPers in the camp site.

It's chowtime first before the start of the Messier Marathon and Imaging sessions.

It's showtime!  Now starting to bag my first Messier object to my log sheet.

Armand:  Who say Observation can't mixed with delicious dinner? :)

Astro Moms and Kids' bonding time at Caliraya :)

ALP President and his Astro Kid still find time for bonding amid his tight imaging schedule that evening :)

Astro Kid KC posed beside Undefeated Messier Marathon King Peter Benedict Tubalinal. Idol!

ALP Treasurer Andrew Ian Chan posed beside Rainmaker :)

ALP Messier Marathon Coordinator Peter Benedict Tubalinal posed beside the Stellarvue AT10101 refractor which he used to track down dimmer Messier objects.

ALP President James Kevin Ty beside his portable setup Canon 500D DSLR with EF 100-400mm f/4,5-5,6 IS L lens on Kenko Sky Memo-R mount.

It's Astro Posing Time ! :) LOL

ALP VP Jett Aguilar posed beside his Takahashi TSA-102 refractor on EM-200 Tenma 2 mount.

UP Astrosoc members posed together for a group shot after an enjoyable and memorable night of dark skies!

ALPer Pejvac Parhizkari posed beside his portable astro imaging setup.

ALP VP Jett Aguilar explain his imaging setup to members of UP-Astrosoc.

ALPer Michael Cruspero checked out the camera setup of ALP director Rich Pijuan.

Newest ALPer Ronald Sison posed beside his C90 Mak on EQ-1 mount.  Welcome to ALP Ronald!

James align Jett's refractor for white light solar viewing.

ALP's Imaging Team's Setup

UP Astrosoc members get a peek at the Coronado PST-Ha to view the Sun in Ha wavelength.

After bagging more than 20+ DSOs, Andrew didn't waste any time to continue imaging...... this time the Sun in white light :)

What a delicious breakfast after a whole night of Messier hunting!

Peter gets a well deserved sleep after a successful 110 log of the entire Messier catalog!  Congrats !  You're the man!

ALP PRO Armand Lee teaches the AstroKids on how to kayak as well as fishing :) Nice and cool!

ALPers stop at Palaisdaan sa Bay for a heavy lunch before going home :) Yum Yum!

Sweet Pose :)

Astro Moms took the Astro Kids for a walk while awaiting for the food to be serve :)

5th ALP Philippine Messier Marathon Open 2011 Group Shot

WACKY SHOT !!!  See you all again next year for the 6th ALP Philippine Messier Marathon 2012 !!!



For ALP Caliraya Astro Images Gallery taken this session, click here.

For full report of the event, click here.




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